It's almost 2 months since 0.5.0 was released and we're now at 0.5.3. This is the change list from 0.5.2:

Changes / improvements

  • Migrate from using actual type with GEP, use i8 or i8 array instead.
  • Optimize foreach for single element arrays.
  • Move all calls to panic due to checks to the end of the function.


  • Single module command line option was not respected.
  • Fixed issue with compile time defined types (String in this case), which would crash the compiler in certain cases.
  • Projects now correctly respect optimization directives.
  • Generic modules now correctly follow the implicit import rules of regular modules.
  • Passing an untyped list to a macro and then using it as a vaarg would crash the compiler.
  • Extern const globals now work correctly.

Stdlib changes

  • init_new/init_temp deprecated, replaced by new_init and temp_init.

What about 0.5.1 and 0.5.2?

Unfortunately I never blogged about those. So here is a short recap on what happened in 0.5.1 and 0.5.2:

Changes / improvements

  • Allow trailing comma in calls and parameters #1092.
  • Improved error messages for const errors.
  • Do not link with debug libraries unless using static libraries.
  • Add 'print-linking' build option.
  • System linker may be used even if the target arch is different from current.
  • Slice -> array/vector works for constant slice lengths.


  • Fixes issue where single character filenames like 'a.c3' would be rejected.
  • Better errors when index type doesn't match len() when doing user defined foreach.
  • Fixes to to_int for hexadecimal strings.
  • Fixed issue when using a generic type from a generic type.
  • Bug with vector parameters when the size > 2 and modified.
  • Missing error on assigning to in-parameters through subscripting.
  • Inference of a vector on the lhs of a binary expression would cause a crash.
  • Fixes to PriorityQueue
  • On Aarch64 use the correct frame pointer type.
  • On Aarch64 macOS, ensure the minimum version is 11.0 (Big Sur)
  • Fixes to the yacc grammar.
  • Dsym generation on macOS will correctly emit -arch.
  • Stacktrace on signals on Linux when backtrace is available.

Stdlib changes

  • Allow to_int family functions take a base, parsing base 2-10 and 16.
  • delete and delete_range added to DString.
  • Splitter iterator added.
  • splitter and iterator String methods.
  • load_new, load_buffer and load_temp std::io::file functions.

0.5 has feature stability guarantees, so any code written for 0.5.0 will with on all of 0.5.x.

If you want to read more about C3, check out the documentation: or download it and try it out: